Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Little Help from Some Friends

Research is my favorite hobby. When I realized my parents were not going to get "better" and that my role in their life was changing, I starting reading as much as I could about taking care of them. Nobody tells you that some day, your parents will be your responsibility and they certainly don't tell you what you will have to do, how to do it or how long you will have to do it. Here are some links for those of you in the same boat. Consider it a little help from some friends. (All links were updated at the time of publishing.)

Huffington Post's CARING FOR ELDERLY PARENTS is a series of articles and links that come in handy.

AARP is a great resource for older people but also for those who care for them. Here is one article:

Of course WebMD is a reliable source. It is also great when your dad refuses to go to the doctor. I don't recommend SELF diagnosing but diagnose away when it comes to stubborn fathers.

While we are on the health track, you can always count on the MAYO clinic too:

Finally, here are some resources from PBS:

This is obviously not a comprenhesive list but as time passes, I will continue to share any resources that might be beneficial and I would appreciate you doing the same in return.

Until next time,
